Published on 17 April 2024
Edward River Council invites community feedback on its Draft 2024-25 Operational Plan and Budget. These key documents outline Council's proposed initiatives and financial allocations for the upcoming financial year, aimed at fulfilling Council’s commitments outlined in the 3-year Delivery Program and aligning with the community's 10-year Community Strategic Plan.
The Draft Operational Plan and Budget will be available for public review until
20 May 2024. During this period, written submissions are encouraged and can be sent via email or mail until 9:00 AM on Monday 20 May 2024.
Delivery of the Operational Plan and Budget contributes to day-to-day life in Edward River. It guides Council’s delivery of important services like roads and footpaths, parks, ranger services, development services, waste and recycling, sport and recreational facilities, community and economic development, cultural exhibitions, events and more.
As the end of the current Council's term approaches, this Operational Plan and Budget focuses on finalising the program of works and commitments of this Council.
Key highlights of the draft Operational Plan include:
- Completion of remaining flood repair works.
- Enhancements to ensure a safe and reliable water supply.
- Implementation of a three-bin waste collection service, integrating recycling and FOGO (food organics, garden organics) management under a regional contract.
- Facilitation of the September local government elections, including support for potential candidates and an induction program for the incoming Council members.
Community members are encouraged to review the draft Operational Plan and Budget during the public exhibition period. Opportunities will be provided for community engagement, including community feedback sessions in each village and at the Deniliquin Town Hall. Feedback will be carefully considered by the Council before the finalisation and adoption of the 2024-25 Operational Plan and Budget in June 2024.
How to access the draft documents and Have Your Say:
The draft Operational Plan and Budget can be accessed online here: Public Exhibition of Draft 2024-25 Operational Plan and Budget.
Hard copies are available at our Customer Service Centre and at the Edward River Library. Additionally, you can drop into one of our community sessions to find out more:
- Monday 6 May, 5:30-6:30 PM: Deniliquin Town Hall
- Tuesday 7 May, 5-6 PM: Wanganella Hall
- Wednesday 8 May, 5-6 PM: Pretty Pine Hall
- Thursday 9 May, 5-6 PM: Mayrung Hall
- Monday 13 May, 5-6 PM: Booroorban Hall
- Tuesday 14 May, 5-6 PM: Conargo Hall
- Wednesday 15 May, 5-6 PM: Blighty Hall
- Thursday 16 May, 5:30-6:30 PM: Deniliquin Town Hall
Submissions providing feedback on the draft Operational Plan and Budget may be emailed to: haveyoursay@edwardriver.nsw.gov.au
Alternatively, submissions can be dropped into Council’s Customer Service Centre in Cressy Street, or mailed to: the Interim Chief Executive Officer, Edward River Council, PO Box 270, Deniliquin NSW 2710.