

Council aims to process your application in a timely and efficient manner.
We can only do this when a well prepared application with the correct supporting information is submitted - the better the information you provide to Council the better we will be able to understand what you are proposing.
You should see a professional such as a building designer or architect to help you prepare the documentation needed for a DA, such as plans and elevations and a Statement of Environment Effects.
Council has developed a guide to assist you when filling out your development application, and we also have a Statement of Environmental Effects form that you can use for smaller developments.
Council does provide a prelodgement service which we encourage everyone to use.  Depending on the size of the development you may need to just meet with a building surveyor or town planner but for larger developments you may need with a number of staff.  You are encouraged to book a time to meet with Council staff and you can do this by contacting Council’s Environmental Services team.
For larger developments, you maybe required to submit preliminary plans and documentation for staff to review prior to the meeting. 
Once you have reviewed the site and have preliminary plans of your proposal you may wish to arrange a prelodgement meeting with Council Officers to discuss the application. 

Site Constraints

If you are preparing a Development Application you should first check to see what constraints may affect development on your property. You can do this by:
  1. Applying online for a Planning Certificate – A Planning Certificate is issued under Section 149 of the EP&A Act. A planning certificate will tell you the zoning or your site and any hazards you must consider. You can complete the Certificates Form. There is a fee for these certificates.
  2. Requesting a plan search or property card – You can request a copy of your property card or request a plan search by using the Certificates Form. 
  3. Viewing Council’s online mapping service – You can view your property via Council’s online mapping service.
Depending on the location of your property and what development you are proposing, there may be a number of issues that you should consider.  These may include (but are not limited to):
  • Servicing – water, sewer, access, stormwater, electricity and phone;
  • Bush fire prone land;
  • Flooding;
  • Heritage;
  • Biodiversity; and
  • Contaminated land.
Council strongly recommends you seek professional advice for work you propose. While a builder can help you initially in project planning or for smaller projects, plans should be drawn up by an architect or building designer. In addition you may also need there are some developments that you may need to seek professional advice from the following specialists depending on the size and type of development:
  • Heritage Advisor 
  • Surveyor 
  • Structural and/or Civil Engineer 
  • Building Certifier 
  • Contaminated Lands Specialist 
  • Traffic Consultant 
  • Solicitor 

Bush Fire Prone Land

All developments on land that is designated as bush fire prone have a legal obligation to consider bush fire and meet the requirements of Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2006 and AS3959 – 1999. A map showing bush fire prone land in the Deniliquin Local Government Area has been prepared and endorsed by the Rural Fire Service. You can check to see if your property is affected.

Deniliquin Bushfire Prone Land 

If your proposal is within land designated as bush fire prone you will need to provide the self-assessment along with your DA and you will need to consider this in the design of the building – particularly if you are building within the area of your property identified as Bush Fire Prone Land. The NSW Rural Fire Service provides useful information for building in bush fire prone areas. The document Planning for Bush Fire Protection provides a self assessment to determine your bushfire attack level (BAL). The BAL then determines what level of construction is needed for your proposal.
For most domestic dwellings, Council officers can assess the application, however, if the risk is unclear or the proposal is for certain types of development (such as tourist accommodation, multi-unit housing) then your proposal will be referred to the Rural Fire Service for comment. 


Council has completed the Edward River at Deniliquin Flood Study which has provided Council with updated data on flooding in Deniliquin.  Mapping associated with the Flood Study can viewed through Council’s online mapping service.
You are able to look at whether your property is within the flood planning area (the area where controls relating to flooding apply to land) and flood levels for the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (1%AEP).  There are clauses in the Deniliquin Local Environmental Plan 2013 and Deniliquin Local Environmental Plan 1997 that relate to flooding.  In addition to this, Council has a policy which sets the flood planning levels (may also known as minimum floor levels) for development within the flood planning area.
In certain areas within the flood planning area (for example the floodway) you maybe required to obtain professional advice from a surveyor or engineer.  For some proposals a survey of the area may suffice, however larger proposals may require a localised flood study taking into account your proposal.


Deniliquin contains a number of heritage items and a Heritage Conservation Area. If your property is a heritage item or is within a conservation area, you will need to consider heritage impact in your design. Schedule 5 of the Deniliquin Local Environmental Plan 2013 contains a list of all of the heritage items. The Heritage Conservation Area is also mapped in the Deniliquin Local Environmental Plan 2013. The Deniliquin Local Environmental Plan 2013 also includes all of the State Heritage Items but you can also view the State Heritage Register online.
Council provides a heritage advisory service which can be accessed free of charge by arrangement with Council’s Environmental Services team. This service is provided to assist owners of heritage items and buildings within the heritage conservation area with advice on doing works to a building with heritage significance. Council strongly encourages applicants to take advantage of this service.
There are provisions in the Deniliquin Local Environmental Plan 2013 and the Deniliquin Development Control Plan 2016 that relate to heritage.  These clauses tell you what types of development need consent and the types of matters that Council considers when assessing a development application relating to heritage.
Some works within a heritage conservation area on a heritage item that are of a minor nature, is for the maintenance of the heritage item or will not adversely affect the heritage significance of the heritage conservation area or heritage item, can be undertaken without development consent.  Council’s Factsheet No 7 Minor Works and Heritage provides more information on these provisions in the Deniliquin Local Environmental Plan 2013.  If you are undertaking work that you believe may fall under one of these categories, you are encouraged to discuss it with Council’s Environmental Services staff. 
In some cases, you may be required to prepared a heritage impact statement and these guidelines will assist you in doing this. Council’s Environmental Services team is able to assist you in preparing this document.