Waste Disposal and Kerbside Collection


Kerbside Waste Collection

Edward River Council offers a 3 bin system (general waste, organic waste and recyclables) kerbside collection for residents of Deniliquin, which is in operation from 1 July 2024 .Click here to find out everything you need to know to manage your 3 bins. 

Please ensure your bins are put out on the kerb the night before collection is due.

Want to know what day your bins will be collected? Check out the map, below:

Edward River Council Collection Schedule Map


Landfills and Transfer Stations


The Deniliquin Landfill Depot is located on Tip Road off the Cobb Highway, approximately 4.9 kilometres from the North Deniliquin roundabout. The depot is open from 8.30am to 1.00pm seven days a week, except for Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Australia Day, ANZAC Day and Good Friday.


The Blighty Waste Disposal Depot is open from 1.00pm to 5.00pm each Thursday and Sunday, excluding public holidays.


The Conargo Transfer Station is open from 1.30pm to 5pm each Wednesday and Sunday, excluding public holidays.

Pretty Pine

The Pretty Pine Transfer Station is open from 9am to 12.30pm each Wednesday and Sunday, excluding public holidays.

Wanganella and Booroorban Rural Landfills are available to the local community only. 

House Rules

  • All Edward River Council Waste Depots and Transfer Stations are non-smoking, no dogs allowed and cash only transaction sites.
  • Blighty Waste Disposal Depot is not accessible during wet weather days.
  • To view the fees and charges for Deniliquin Waste Depot, click here.(PDF, 172KB)
  • To view the fees and what waste will be collected at the 3 Transfer Stations, click here.(PDF, 197KB)

Free Waste Disposal Weekends

Throughout the year, Council hosts Free Waste Disposal Weekends, allowing members of the community to dispose of larger household items such as mattresses, refrigerators and other large whitegoods and furniture items, free of charge.

This is for residential properties only and does not extend to tyres, commercial waste, construction and demolition waste.

Dates for 2024 are:

September 14 and 15, 2024

Community Recycling Centres

The Blighty Waste Disposal Depot and the Deniliquin Landfill Depot are both Community Recycling Centres, which means you can dispose of a range of reusable and recyclable materials free of charge, including:

  • Gas bottles;
  • Fire extinguishers;
  • Paint;
  • Fluoro globes and tubes;
  • Household and car batteries;
  • Glass containers;
  • Cardboard and paper;
  • Motor and other oils; and
  • Smoke detectors.

Only household quantities accepted 20 kilogram or 20 litre maximum container size. Please transport your materials carefully. Dangerous goods and items other than those listed will not be accepted.

Further information about Community Recycling Centres can be obtained from the NSW Environmental Protection Agency website.

New 3 Bin Collection Service

Edward River Council will introduce a new system of waste collection from July 2024 to divert recycling and organics away from landfill. A new “3 bin” system will allow food and garden waste to be collected from households, as well as a separate collection for materials to be recycled. Deniliquin residents will receive three separate 240-litre bins, with organics collected weekly, and recycling and general waste collected fortnightly. Read more in the FAQs below.

FAQs New 3 Bin Collection Service

What is the new 3 bin household waste system?

The new 3 bin household waste system allows food and garden waste to be collected, as well as general waste and recycling. 

The three bins are:

  • One 240L GREEN LID BIN for organics (garden and food waste)
  • One 240L YELLOW LID BIN for recycling
  • One 240L RED LID BIN for general waste 

Where will the new 3 bin system operate?

The new system will begin in Deniliquin on the 1st of July 2024.

It will include all households currently receiving a domestic waste collection.

Commercial premises that have an existing council bin service will be included.

Villages and outlying areas are not included at this stage but may be considered in the future.

When will the 3 bins be collected?

The collection schedule will be:

  • WEEKLY collection of 240L food and garden waste organics bin - Green lid
  • FORTNIGHTLY collection of 240L recycling bin – Yellow lid
  • FORTNIGHTLY collection of 240L general waste bin – Red lid

This represents over 100% increase in the volume of waste removed from each household compared to the current 1 bin system.

Will my garbage charges change?

Every year your garbage charge increases slightly in line with inflation. Next financial year there is an additional change due to the introduction of an organics bin and recycling bin to every Edward River Council household (who currently already have a domestic waste collection service) starting July 2024.  More details about these charges will be available next year as part of the community consultation of all council fees and charges. At this stage it is anticipated to be an increase of around $150 to the Domestic Waste Management Charge.

What bins do I need for this system?

All households will be provided with a new red lid bin for rubbish, a yellow lid bin for recycling and green lid bin for food and garden waste. You will also receive a kitchen caddy and compostable liners in the lead up to 1st July and the start of our new 3 bin system.


Do I have to do anything special to get my bin?

No, the new bins will be delivered with clear instructions and directions for use. More information about how the system will operate will be provided to you closer to the start date, which is anticipated to be in July 2024.

Why will I be receiving an organics bin?

You will be receiving an green lid bin, for your food scraps and garden matter, to reduce the quantity and content of waste going to landfill. Approximately half the content of the average household rubbish bin is organic material. Currently, this is sent to Deniliquin Landfill which is rapidly filling up. If Council does not reduce how much waste goes to landfill, prices will need to rise substantially. These costs will be passed on to ratepayers. 

What will I be able to put in my green lid organics bin?

You can put in all your food scraps including fish, meat and bones, coffee grounds and cooked foods. Garden waste such as prunings, grass clippings, sticks, weeds and flowers can also be included. However, you cannot include things like plastic bin liners, general household waste, treated or laminated timber or old clothing. These need to go in your general waste bin.

How will my general waste (rubbish) bin change?

You will receive a new red lid rubbish bin for general waste and it will be emptied fortnightly instead of weekly. Data from other councils in our region shows that about half of what is currently being put into the red bin could be composted through the organics service, reducing the need to collect the bin every week. 

How will I sort food waste from my general household rubbish?

Each household will receive a kitchen caddy and compostable liners especially to hold food waste. These liners can then be placed in your new green lidded bin. There is approximately a year’s supply in a roll and when you run out you can call 1300 240 841 or visit the Edward River Library or Customer Service Centre for a new roll, free of charge.


Which other councils are introducing organics bins?

Six councils in the Murray and Riverina regions – Berrigan, Edward River, Leeton, Greater Hume, Federation and Murrumbidgee - are introducing the organics bin. These six councils all obtained funding to introduce the organics bin through the NSW EPA, Go FOGO Round 1 grant program. They will join Murray River and Albury City in delivering a consistent waste and recycling message across the Murray and Riverina regions.  

Why are councils introducing organics bins as well as recycling?

The introduction of the organics service in NSW councils has been mandated by the NSW Government to help reduce the strain on landfills and utilise the compost generated in our region’s agricultural industries.  

Can I opt out? I already compost at home!

The new green lid organics bin can be seen as an extension to the great work you’re already doing. And, the new service can accept things that your compost heap or pet may not like – things such as citrus, onions, bones, weeds and diseased and infected fruit or vegetables.   

As a community we pay for many services as part of our rates that benefit the community, even if every individual resident may not utilise them. Reducing the pressure on landfill and generating a valuable resource for our region’s agricultural industries helps Council to reduce the cost of landfill space into the future.

Why do we need a recycling bin?

Every council in NSW has a Government-mandated target of 80% diversion from landfill by 2030. We can’t achieve this as a community unless we recycle as well as compost our food and garden waste.  

If we don’t achieve this target we will need to invest in new landfill space sooner.

Currently Edward River only recycles through community recycling (e.g. container deposit scheme and recycle centres). This is very low compared to other areas with the 3 bin service who are already achieving 70-80% diversion from landfill from kerbside bins.

The green lid organics bin will reduce the amount of waste in your general waste by around 50%. And much of what is left can go into the yellow lid recycling bin to save filling up our local landfill.

A regional kerbside bin audit from 2022 showed that there is about 8-10kg of recyclable materials per household in a fortnightly collection. Having a recycling bin as well as a organics bin means we don’t need as much space in our general waste bin. And less waste goes to landfill!    

The amount of waste generated by households has been increasing over the past 30 years. In 1996 each person in Australia generated 125kg of waste annually. In 2019 this amount had tripled to 370kg per person annually!

We must increase our recycling efforts just to keep up, otherwise there will be no landfill space to put all the waste.  

What are the benefits of recycling?

When we recycle, materials become available for local and regional businesses to utilise and this creates business and employment opportunities.  ‘Green Pipe’ in Moama utilises HDPE/LDPE plastics from milk and juice bottles and lids to manufacture pipes from items in our neighbouring council’s recycling service. 

There is a common misconception that everything in a landfill just ‘rots down eventually anyway’ – this isn’t the case.  Aside from being useful resources plastics, metals, wood and other resources never really break down (or take hundreds of years) and once they are in the landfill they can’t be used again. 

The recycling contractors must report back on where our recycling goes and how much is being recycled.  Visit Recycling Waste – Halve Waste and click on “What does my recycling become” to find out what happens to the aluminium cans and plastics in your recycling.

What is collected?

Five main categories of materials will be collected:  Aluminium (cans and clean foil), Steel (cans), glass (bottles and jars), hard plastic containers (milk bottles, shampoo bottles) and cardboard and paper (boxes, newspapers, paper, magazines).

To get ready for the new waste service information will be provided to all residents about what to recycle in the yellow lid bin. Keep an eye on our website and www.halvewaste.com.au and Facebook page to find out more.


When is the delivery of my 3 new bins and kitchen caddy?

Your new bins and kitchen caddy, caddy liners and collection schedule information fridge magnet will be delivered to your property from mid-May. They are not to be put out for emptying until week starting July 1.


What happens to my existing council bin?

In the week starting June 24th place your bin out as normal, after it is emptied by our garbage truck please turn it upside down and leave on the curb for us to collect. You can then start to fill your new bins in preparation of being emptied the next week. J.R. Richards will empty the green lidded and red lidded bin in the first week of July. They will not empty our council bins anymore after that date.


What if my new bins go missing?

Your new bins have a series number which is assigned to your property, so they cannot be emptied elsewhere. If you believe your bin has been stolen, please call police and make a report then call Customer Service on 5898 3000 for a replacement. Your bins are your responsibility and there will be a cost to replace them.



How can I find out more?

You will be provided with detailed information about the new 3 bin system in the lead-up to its introduction.  In the meantime, you can find further information on our website, Facebook or by phoning Customer Service on 03 5898 3000.

Visit Halve Waste www.halvewaste.com.au for information about recycling and waste services in our region.



drumMUSTER is the national program for the collection and recycling of empty, cleaned, non-returnable crop production and on-farm animal health chemical containers.

Council's drumMuster Collection/Drop off point is located at the Deniliquin Landfill Depot.

Only triple rinsed plastic and steel drums will be accepted and you need to remove the lids so they can be crushed by the contractor. Oil drums cannot be accepted.


Waste Oil Collection

The following Landfill sites can now accept used motor oil:

  • Conargo - McKenzie Street, Conargo NSW 2710
  • Pretty Pine - Gibbs Road, Pretty Pine NSW  2710
  • Blighty - Riverina Highway, Blighty NSW 2713
  • Wanganella - Cobb Highway, Wanganella NSW 2710
  • Booroorban- Cobb Highway, Booroorban NSW 2710

The waste oil collection facilities were installed with the help of funding awarded by the Department of Environment and Heritage via their Product Stewardship for Oil Programme.

Edward River Council has purchased and installed Oil Waste Collection Units at each of our waste depots. This project was undertaken to assist in the safe and convenient collection of waste oil throughout the region.

Collection of waste oil through purpose built units will assist in protecting our environment from leakages and spills which may otherwise occur. If you have any queries regarding this project or the use of these facilities, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Metal Recycling

Metal recycling facilities are available at the Blighty Waste Disposal Depot, Deniliquin Landfill Depot and Pretty Pine Landfill Depot.

Transporting Asbestos within NSW and interstate 

Commercial Purposes 

Asbestos transporters must report the movement of asbestos waste to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). To help industry meet its legal obligations, the EPA has developed a new Integrated Waste Tracking Solution (IWTS) for tracking and reporting on hazardous and regulated waste. 

If you're involved with the transport or disposal of asbestos waste weighing more than 100 kilograms, or more than 10 square metres pf asbestos sheeting in one load in NSW, you must track and report this waste to the EPA using the new IWTS. 

Weather inhibits asbestos disposal, where wet conditions are present please phone 5898 3000 to seek disposal approval. 

The IWTS generates a unique EPA consignment ID that allows each load to be monitored from the place of generation to the site of disposal. If you are planning on disposing of this waste at the Deniliquin Landfill Depot, you will meed to present this consignment ID upon entry. Persons not supplying the necessary information will be referred to the EPA for their review. 

For more information on the IWTS system, refer to NSW EPA's website integrated waste tracking solution

Commercial asbestos disposals will only be accepted during business hours between Monday and Fridays unless otherwise authorised. 

Residential Purposes 

Council will only accept less than 100 kilograms of asbestos waste material form residents. All asbestos receivals need to comply with the triple wrapping requirements. Loads exceeding this volume are to be managed by an experienced asbestos removalist. The resident will be responsible for removing asbestos from their vehicles and placing in an area whereby onsite staff can pick up the package using bucket and loader machinery. 

For any questions, please phone us on 5898 3000. 

Residential asbestos disposals will be accepted during business hours between Monday and Sunday. 

Transporting Tyres within NSW 

Commercial Purposes 

Tyre transporters must report the movement of tyre waste to the Environment Protection Authority. To help industry meet its legal obligations, the EPA has developed a new Integrated Waste Tracking Solution (IWTS) for tracking and reporting on hazardous and regulated waste. 

The Deniliquin Landfill Depot does not accept commercial quantities of tyres. If you or your business is involved with the collection of tyres, you must track and report this waste to the EPA using the new IWTS. The IWTS generates a unique EPA consignment ID that allows each load to be monitored from the place of generation to the site of disposal. Businesses are required to organise an agreement direct and tyre recycler. 

For more information on new IWTS system, please refer to the NSW EPA's website integrated waste tracking solution

Residential Purposes 

Council only accepts a maximum of 4 tyres per transaction for residents that reside in the Edward River Council Local Government area. Tyres from outside of our area must be disposed of at your local transfer station.